Dr. Bernie Cueto
Campus Pastor
Chapel Experience
In an effort to affirm our faith and be encouraged in the Christian life, all full-time undergrad students are required to attend ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ Chapel at least 12 times during the fall semester and 12 times in the spring for a total of 24 chapel attendances for the Academic Year. Students may attend more than 12 times in the fall and therefore lessen the spring requirement of 12 chapel attendances. But students are required to attend chapel at least 12 times during the fall semester.
Worship in Community
Students attend a minimum of 24 chapel services throughout the year, and many eagerly exceed that number, taking part in worship, integrating Biblical concepts into their learning experience and strengthening their commitment to the Lord.
A Vibrant Forum
Chapel will provide you with countless opportunities to express your faith.
- Lead, or follow, in worship of God
- Strengthen your commitment to the Lord
- Experience a greater sense of campus community
- Integrate faith and learning as preparation for service
- Develop an understanding of worship in all of its forms
- Revel in praising the Lord at events like Christival
Tradition of Praise
One of ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ’s most popular events, Christival takes place over several days each semester. It’s a spirited celebration of faith, worship, song and learning, and features talks and music by some of the most dynamic Christian leaders and performers in the world.

By the Numbers
Faith Abounds: ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ students attend a minimum of 24 chapel services annually
Weekly Chapel: We offer three chapel services every week, in addition to other events.
Christival: A ÐÓ°ÉÊÓƵ tradition for more than 30 years.